Get right on Task with Taskify

Taskify is currently still under development hence this placeholder homepage but you can:

  • Try out the features with a dummy account here .
  • Explore the list of features added and planned here .
  • Learn more about the project, like what technology is being used, how it's being developed and many more here .


Completed Features

  • Can add Goals on the website

    Goal represent a project you're working on or a goal you have.

  • Goals can have specific tasks associated with them

    Tasks are tied to each Goal.

  • Tasks can be in specific states(To do, In Progress, Done)

    Changing the state gives lets you track where the task is in the process of completion.

  • Can put Goals into specific Categories

    This just allows you to Categorize your tasks

Pending Features

  • Build an appropriate Homepage to replace this one.

    This homepage is a placeholder so I intend to design an appropriate homepage for this website.

  • Adding Drag and drop Functionality to task lists

    Currently to change a task's state I used a select but I will change it to allow for drag and drop like other Kanban boards for better usability.

  • A time tracker for each task

    I will be adding a time tracking functionality for each task so you can get insight into how long you spend on specific tasks

  • Add graphs and charts for tasks and goals on admin page

    These charts and graphs will give more insight into how your tasks and goals are progressing.